Thursday, December 10, 2009

The disadvantages of a flipped schedule and Single parents, how do they do it?

Just a few days ago I extolled on the advantages of Jen and I working opposite schedules. Well, I was treated to a disadvantage on Wednesday. Last night, at 12:45, I received a text message from Jen. She had already called me to tell me good night, so I knew that this was a bad sign. It was. She was not feeling well and was not sure what Wednesday morning would bring. This Wednesday was going to be different from a regular Wednesday in our house. My parents usually watch A2 on Wednesdays so that I can sleep. However, my parents are currently on a 5 day cruise. So, Jen's parents were kind enough to agree to watch A2 on Wednesday. Jen had planned on dropping off A2 at her parents house on her way to work.

When I got home Wednesday morning, Jen was still in bed. Not good. It was time for a new plan for the day. I decided to take a nap until 7:25 AM. At that point, I woke up A so that he could get ready to go to school. A2 woke up a short time later, asking for her mom like she does every day that it is not mom that greets her in the morning. Pam picked up A and took him to school, thank you. So, it was A2 and I for the day. When A was this age, I was used to getting home from work and having to take care of him for the day. I am no longer used to that. A2 and I watched a movie or two and played with a Playskool Christmas train and a Playskool house. Big fun. I chased A2 around the house and A2 used me as a jungle gym. Numerous times, A2 said, "It is time to get dressed". Every time, I replied, "Today is a jammy day." A2 ate lunch and went down for a nap at 1:30 PM. I have never been so grateful that she is still a nap taker. I passed out on the couch immediately.

In the past when I was watching A, once he went down for his nap, I could sleep until the evening. Jen would get home before A woke up from his nap. Today, I was not so lucky. A got home from school at 3:30 PM. He found me comatose on the couch, and somehow was able to wake me from the dead. It was time for homework. We did homework for an hour and then A2 woke up. No more sleep for me. Jen was still not feeling well and decided that she would stay home on Thursday as well. She called her parents who agreed to let A2 spend the night at their house (thank you) so that they could take her to school on Thursday. I fed the kids dinner, got them bathed, and then with detailed instructions from Jen, got everything ready for Thursday. I put A to bed, then took A2 over to my in-laws house. Then I got to go back to work. Due to work obligations, the next window for sleep is Thursday afternoon.

How do single parents do it? I have no idea. I spent one day as a single dad and I was ready for a padded room. I am sure some of that was from sleep deprivation. Hopefully. Quick side note, I am starting to understand why sleep depravation is an excellent interrogation technique.

What my experience today really brought home was my wife is an amazing woman. I already knew that. But, by trying to fill her tiny heels for one day, I better understand all that she does. She is the stick that stirs the drink for our family. The foundation, the glue, what makes our family go. Without her, it was chaos. Sure, I got the kids fed and to school and cleaned, but that is it. Jen gets all that done, and 50 other things, and looks absolutely gorgeous while doing it. She does it with grace and style and never asks for anything in return. Thank you Jen, you are the best.

Now hurry up and get back on your feet, I am not sure how much longer I can be you.

Posted via email from will7079's posterous

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