Friday, November 26, 2010

The week on patrol, October 25-29, 2010

This was a short week for me. B and I rode together every night and I was off on Thursday and Friday for our trip to Austin.

B and I were the print unit on Monday night. It was brutally slow, no vehicle or pedestrian traffic in the area. We checked by with J on a suspicious person call. The call slip said that a shirtless male was walking down the middle of the street yelling at cars that passed. We did not find anyone in the immediate area, but we did see someone a few blocks down the street. We drove down and found a male matching the description in the call slip. 

J arrived a minute later and started talking to the male. The male told us that he was homeless. Then immediately after said that he wanted us to take him home. We asked where that was and he said again that he was homeless. This was going nowhere fast. It was obvious from the smell of the man that he was intoxicated. It actually smelled like he bathed in beer. When J told him that he was going to jail, he laid down on the ground. We got him up, cuffed him, and got him into J's patrol vehicle. At least he will not be run over while walking in the middle of the street tonight. B and I were the print unit again. As soon as we signed on to the computer, there was a print call waiting for us. The call slip said that a Constable needed us to take some prints for him. That was odd. I have not seen another agency request us for prints. Other agencies try to drop calls on us all of the time, but this was different, at least according to the call slip.

We arrived to find to deputy Constables talking to a group on homeowners. We asked the Constables what we could do for them, and they told us that they had been called to the house to make a burglary of a residence report. They called us to attempt to lift fingerprints from a few surfaces in the house. The county is divided up into 8 precincts. Each precinct has a constables office. Constables get calls in 3 different ways: 1. contract, their precinct will have a contract with certain apartment complexes or neighborhoods to provide services, 2. on-view, they see the incident take place, or 3. a citizen in their precinct calls their dispatcher requesting a unit. In this case, the homeowner called my department and decided that we took too long to respond. Then they called the constables office and a deputy arrived within a few minutes.

My department actually responded before the home owner arrived home. The damage was in the back of the house and that part of the residence was not accessible to the responding officer. We told the constable that we would take care of the primary report. They were thankful. The home owner then showed us around the house. The suspects came in through a set of French doors in the back of the house. Then they went upstairs, ripped the siren off of the wall, and started going through the master closet. As far os the home owner could tell, nothing had been taken. I tried to lift prints from the siren box and a few other surfaces, but only got smudges.

A few hours later we were dispatched to take a few photos of an assault victim. Her ex-boyfriend would not stop calling and harassing her. So, she decided that she would meet him in a public place hoping that she could convince him to leave her alone, not her best idea. They met at a local restaurant and the conversation did not go well. She got scared and decided to leave. He followed her and then began to assault her. He hit her a few times and then decided to drag her down the street. She was able to get away and other units responded quickly enough to take him into custody. I took a few pictures of her and tagged them into evidence. Hopefully, she will stay away from him from now on.

B and I rode my regular patrol numbers on Wednesday. The regular picture unit was not working, so we were asked to take a few pictures by my Srg. It was a tagging call. Two young males decided to buy some spray paint and go crazy. I took pictures of 8 different businesses that they put their mark on. They did not claim a gang affiliation, but they were very proud of their work.

That brings to an end a short week on patrol.

Posted via email from will7079's posterous

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