Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Risk vs Reward

Last night, four young males made decisions that will effect them for the rest of their lives. The decisions were mind-blowing, at least to me, when put into the perspective of the big picture. They started out by deciding to get high on crack. Because you know, crack actually improves the quality of cognitive thinking. It says so on the packaging. While high on crack, they grabbed a couple of Airsoft guns. These guns look real, but they do not shoot real bullets. They shoot small pellets. When an Airsoft gun is stuck in your face and someone is yelling at you, you are going to think it is a real gun. Then they decided to drive around looking for businesses to rob.

They started with a cafeteria. Two of them ran inside with hooded sweatshirts on and Airsoft guns out. They stuck the guns in two females employee's faces and yelled at them to give them all of the money. They were bouncing all around and were not very patient. Luckily for the employees, the males just grabbed the cash register off of the counter and ran out of the cafeteria.

They ran back to their vehicle where the two other males were waiting. They drove off and decided to rob a restaurant next. After that was a coffee shop. Each time brandishing the Airsoft guns and scaring people to death. Fortunately, we were able to get quite a few units in the area quickly. One of them was in the right place at the right time. They were flagged down by someone that was in the coffee shop during the robbery. That person gave the unit a description of the vehicle and pointed them in the right direction. That unit found the robbers driving in their vehicle and initiated a traffic stop. Surprisingly, the robbers pulled over, other units got there quickly, and they were all arrested without incident. A cash register, tip jar, and two Airsoft guns were recovered. Now they are all facing 1st degree felony aggravated robbery charges punishable by up to life in prison.

Sometimes people make bad decisions. Not everyone has a good childhood or a supportive family. Times are tough and people need to feed their families. Jobs are hard to come by. I understand all of that. But I do not understand how you can risk LIFE in prison for a tip jar from a coffee shop or a register from a cafeteria? At some point, risk vs reward has to go through your mind. Are things really that bad to make it worth it? Or, was it just for fun? Whichever the case, they will have a lot of time to think about it.

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