Saturday, November 14, 2009

A couple of Germans

Day four evaluating Adrian and she is still doing well. She claims that she is still anxious about evaluation. I keep telling her that she is doing fine, but I am not sure that she believes me. I tell her that I can document poor performance as easily as good performance. I am not just giving away good scores. Early in the shift we volunteered for an assault report in the "gayborhood". Right in the middle of my beat is the nexus of the city's homosexual population. We arrived to find four males standing in front of their apartment complex. One of the males was dressed in drag and another had powder on his face and a french manicure.

They stated that they were both dressed in drag and were walking down the street. They were on their way to perform at a local club. An acquaintance jumped out from behind a vehicle and punched one of the males in the jaw, cracking his tooth. They fell to the ground and the other male dressed in drag jumped in to help. After a brief scuffle, the males in dresses were able to free themselves from their attacker. The suspect ran off and the males walked home and then called the police. While Adrian was getting all of the information for the report, two other males walked up. They had a question for me.

They stated that they were from Germany and were in town for the weekend. They were staying downtown and had called for a cab. Once in the cab they told the cabdriver that they wanted to go to a bar. The cabdriver dropped them off in the middle of the gayborhood. The Germans had no idea where they were until they walked into the closest bar. They quickly left after observing the waiters. The waiters were wearing tidy whities and shoes and that is all. Needless to say, they were a little shocked. I told them that I understood. The first time that I had to go into that particular bar for a call, I was a little shocked as well.

They said that they are members of the German Air Defense and have been training in El Paso for the past 6 months. It seems that Germany will not allow them to train with live anti-aircraft ammunition. We will, so they are training in west Texas. After getting to know them a little, I told them that there were two possible reasons why the cabdriver brought them to the gayborhood. Either the cabdriver liked the scenery in the area, or he thought that the two Germans were homosexuals. This made the Germans fall over laughing. I told them that we would give them a ride to a more appropriate part of town once we were finished gathering information for the report.

The Germans piled into the backseat and we took off for Mid-town. On the way I asked them if they wanted a nice place to get drinks, or good music, or beautiful women. They replied all three would be great. We dropped them off close to Pub Fiction. Right after I let them out of the backseat, three gorgeous blondes walked out of the Pub. The Germans smiled and said this place looked great. They handed me a camera and I took their picture by the patrol car. I am an ambassador for the city. :^D Good times.

Posted via email from will7079's posterous

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