Monday, June 22, 2009

A "Major" decision

For those that do not know, Major is my almost two year old male Boxer. He had been at Rover Oaks, a dog training and day care facility. His previous owner had paid for his stay at Rover Oaks until a suitable owner could be found. I have always liked the idea of a big dog at the house to look after Jen and the kids when I am not home. I visited Rover Oaks a few times and Major (Bourban was his original name) and I hit it off. I brought him home in February.

The only time I had lived with a
big dog was briefly as a child. So, I started reading books and educating myself. I wanted to be a good and responsible big dog owner. I read and highly recommend the books by Cesar Milan of the Dog Whisperer series on tv.

I knew Major was a high energy dog and exercise would help keep him calm. So, every day at least twice a day, Major gets walked or chases a ball until he colapses. I had hoped that this constant activity would help keep him under control in the home.

Unfortunately, this has not always been the case. We have come home on at least 5 occassions to find a house plant completely destroyed and spread thoughout the house. He has also destroyed a few shoes, a book, and random toys. He has knocked Addy and Jen down, chased a pizza delivery boy, and bolted out of the house and ran away from Jen a few times.

But, I love that dog. I love playing with him and walking him. I love wrestling with him and knowing that he will deter anyone from messing with the house. I can not stop smiling when I watch him playing with Cagney.

But, I love Jen more and Major is driving her crazy. That is why I told her earlier tonight to pursue finding another home for Major. He is a beautiful, friendly, and very loving dog. I will miss him terribly. I will weep like a baby when I give him to his lucky new owners. Sometimes you have to make hard decisions. This one was brutal. But, my Dad taught me long ago that family comes first. Jen, I love you and let's find a good home for a good dog.

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