Monday, October 12, 2009

Play Date

This morning my beautiful wife reminded me that I told Mary that I would call her today. Mary was off for Columbus Day and was taking care of Haley. I spoke with Mary and we decided due to the weather to get the kids together at their house to play inside. I picked up Chick-fil-A on the way for lunch. The girls played with just about everything in the house. When we arrived Haley was playing with her piano. So Addy joined her in the playroom for awhile. Then Mary took out all of the drawing supplies and the girls did that for a few minutes. Next was the princess accessories and then the kitchen. All of these activities kept the girls attention for just a few minutes. Then Mary got adventurous and brought out the big guns. A gingerbread house, in October. It was perfect. The girls had a blast, Mary worked hard, and I documented the activity.

Addy is watching Mary prepare the house for decorating. The icing was very sticky and not very easy to work with.

As soon as decorating started, the house looked like it had been in an earthquake. The roof caved in and then the walls got a little wobbly. Mary got out more icing to try to save it, but it was gone.

So, Mary took the house apart and the girls decorated a side of the roof. There were many different kinds of candies that the girls stuck in the icing. They had a great time.

Here is the finished product. Addy's is the top left, Haley's is the top right, and Mary's is on the bottom.

Here is Addy's masterpiece. I tried to get Haley with hers, but was not successful. The girls had a great time playing together. Thanks Mary for having us over.

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