Wednesday, February 17, 2010

C's last call was memorable

I patrol a very eclectic area of town. It is an artsy part of town and is filled with colorful people. Saturday night was C's last day of evaluation. During his week with me, he had not really had the full experience of this part of town. So, late Saturday night after reading a particular call slip, I looked over at C and said, "this will be your last call on evaluation."

The call slip stated that a man's jacket had been stolen. That is not what made the call worth volunteering for, it was the location. A particular bar that I had the misfortune of having to enter a few years ago. We arrived in the bar's parking lot and the man who called us, R, was waving at us as we got out of the car. R stated that earlier, he was inside the bar talking to two females. One of them was really flirting with him and gave him her phone number. A short time later, the same female started talking to him again, distracting him. The other female then walked by behind them and grabbed R's jacket that was sitting on a chair. That female then walked directly out of the bar and was joined soon afterwards by the other female. A few minutes later, R noticed that his jacket was missing and called us.

As we were talking to R in the parking lot, a male and female exited the bar and walked over to us. They were acquaintances of R. The female, A, began a conversation with us. Her second sentence to us was, "Hey, I am a badge bunny, are you guys married?" This was C's first experience with an attractive female throwing herself at the uniform. At this same time, R was telling us what was in his $600 leather jacket that had been stolen. He had his house and car keys, a portable GPS, cell phone, wallet, and $500 in cash in the pockets of the jacket. R was completely beside himself. He had no idea what to do. "Where do I go? How do I get in my apartment? What do I do with my car?" He was lost. Granted, it was suck to be the victim here, but his "the world is ending" whining got old real quick.

Security from the bar came out to talk to us. He said that they had the incident on tape and asked if we wanted to see the tape. C did not want to go inside the bar. Here is why. On the way over, I told him a little about the bar. It is typical for this particular area with one difference, the waiters all wear only briefs (tighty whities) and shoes. It is a little shocking the first time that you walk in and see that. With that information in his head, C asked the security guy if he could just burn a DVD of the footage and bring it out to us. The security guy said that he did not know how to do that. So, C looks at me and asks if he could just put in the report that the bar had the incident on tape. Then the investigator could come and get the tape. I responded with, "Don't you at least need good suspect descriptions for the report?" He hung his head, and then followed the security guard towards the bar.

C told me that the first thing that he saw when he walked into the bar was a male in his tighty whities talking to another male. Then the male in the briefs stuck his hand into his briefs in front of C. C responded by saying rather loudly, "I do not need to see that!" C then watched the video and sure enough, the entire incident was on the video.

While C was watching the video, I remained outside. A asked me how long I had been married. When I responded 14 years, she said that I did not look old enough to have been married that long. She was really working it. This was quickly followed by R remembering that one of the females had given him her phone number. He asked A if he could use her phone and then he dialed the number. He listened, and then looked at me and said, "it is all in Spanish, what does that mean?" I looked at him, and deadpanned "I guess she speaks Spanish." He said, "yeah, I guess that was a dumb question." You think?

C handled himself very well under the circumstances and I was glad that he was able to finally get the full experience of the area.

Posted via email from will7079's posterous

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