Sunday, August 30, 2009

Another Darwin award candidate

A vehicle was in the parking lot of the Valero, located at Montrose at Westheimer. We ran the license plate on our MDI, and discovered that the vehicle registration had expired in 2008. That fact gave us probable cause to stop the vehicle. Since we had already left the parking lot before the MDI information came back, we sat in the right lane of Westheimer and waited for the vehicle to pull out. Sure enough, the vehicle also pulled out onto Westheimer and into the left lane. We were in the right lane stopped at a red light. The light turned green, we stayed stopped and so did the suspect vehicle. We sat for two minutes, so did they, about 5 car lenghts behind us. Other vehicles began honking at the suspect vehicle. So, that was the motivation they needed to move. They finally passed us and we activated out lights and stopped the vehicle on traffic.

 The vehicle pulled over into a business parking lot. A very strong odor of marijuana was emanating from the vehicle As we walked up to the vehicle, a female passenger in the backseat wearing a wife beater tank top had both of her hands inside her bra. She was moving her hands around and fiddling with something. We told her to be still and to put her hands on her lap. We then asked the driver for his drivers license. The driver stated that he did not have any identification. That is an arrestable offense, driving without a license. During this time, the female was still messing with her bra. We get the driver out and ask him if everything in the vehicle is his. To which he replys "yes". We handcuff him, search him, and put him in the backseat. In plain view on the center console is three marijuana cigarettes. An easy possession of marijuana case. Then a female officer gets out the female and searches her. She finds a plastic baggie with Ecstacy and Zanex pills, shockingly enough, in her bra. I would have never thought to look there. Easy felony.

 These two scholars had at least 2 minutes to get rid of the drugs while they were sitting behind us in traffic. They could have easily rolled down a window and thrown out the drugs. Then, just the driver would have gone to jail for new traffic. Policy states that someone driving without an ID will be arrested. However, these two decide to risk it and end up with possession cases. The female tells us on the way to jail that the male told her to hide the drugs in her bra. Brilliant. Maybe if I make a spectacle of playing with my bra they won't think to check there. This was another example of why I have very high job security.

Posted via email from will7079's posterous

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