Thursday, August 20, 2009

From the backseat of the patrol vehicle...

Suspect W: Ppo Morrissey by Rusty Sumner  
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Suspect w: PPO Morrissey.mp3 (2731 KB)

Patrick, who I am evaluating, and I were dispatched to a suspicious person at 1700 Westheimer around 1 AM Thursday morning. We arrived and were immediately flagged down by the reportee (the person who called the police). He quickly whipped out his dispatcher ID card and pointed towards the suspect. He said "that man ran up on me and called me a faggot". I wanted to say "well sir, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it is probably a duck", but I refrained. Instead, I said "Patrick, fetch". Patrick spun the shop around and we jumped out on the suspicious male. He was a black man wearing an off white shirt and pants and he was sweating profusely. Patrick asked him for his ID and he said "I know my rights". Patrick asked for the ID again, and he said "you are bothering me because I am black". He took out his ID and held his arms out stiffly in an effort to keep us away from him. Patrick asked me to run him on the computer to see if he was wanted. While I did that, Patrick patted him down for weapons, just liked he was trained to do. He did not have any weapons and he was not wanted. I asked him where he lived, "Missouri City, bitches and whores". I asked him where he was spending the night, "not at your house" was the reply. That was something that we could agree upon. Patrick asked some other basic questions and received some  strange answers. Patrick looked at me and said "PI"? PI, pronounced pee eye, stands for public intoxication, a catch all for someone that you want to arrest but have no other reason for the arrest. I said sure, the suspect smelled like alcohol of course. I also suspected that he had recently smoked crack due to the amount he was sweating. Crack elevates your internal temperature. The suspect was sweating like he had just finished a marathon. Steam was rising from his bald head. Patrick arrested him and we transported him to jail. Patrick asked him what kind of music he liked, I suggested 94.5, the Buzz. The audio is excerpts from the trip to the jail. I recorded him with the iPhone and edited it with Garageband on the Mac.         

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