Jen was invited to one of those parties that women invite each other to. You know the type, no men, finger foods, plenty of wine, and something, anything, is being sold. Everything from clothes, kitchen gadgets, children's toys, "other" toys, kid's books, candles, housewares, and anything else that can be pyramid schemed and sold to friends are used as excuses to lure women to these events. It is funny when you thing about it, inviting all of your friends to come over to buy something that they do not need so that I can order at a discount more things that I do not need. Anyway, I digress. Jen enjoys the opportunity to get out of the house while I take care of the kids. Something that does not happen very often. Sorry Jen.
Monday night was the big event at Julie's house. Jen had a good time and did what every good friend does at those parties, ordered something. Amazingly enough, it arrived in the mail yesterday, two days after ordering. Quick service at least.
While Jen was a the party, it was my responsibility to bathe and put the kids to bed. Lately, Addy has been taking a shower with Austin. I am not sure why, but she seems to enjoy it for the most part. As long as her brother is not scalding her with hot water (first shower with Addy, no injuries, one reason why you turn down the hot water heater after having children) or using his soap which is not tear free on her (third shower) she does pretty well. She basically stands in the shower facing the glass door looking like a drowned rat the entire time. But, every evening when it is bath time, she requests a shower with her brother.
On Monday, I had done a good job of keeping the fact from Addy that Jen had left the house. When it was time for a shower, I could not keep up the charade. Addy figured out that Jen was gone and had a minor melt down. During the melt down, she climbed up a chair by our bed and launched herself onto our still made bed. Now, everyone that lives in our house and almost everyone that comes over to our house knows not to sit on, lay down on, or basically even touch Jen's made bed. Here was Addy standing on the chair and jumping onto the bed. The child had lost her mind. I guess she thought "Mommy is gone, Daddy will let me get away with anything if I stop crying, I might as well go for broke" and she was right. She proceeded to stand up an the bed and started bouncing. She bounced right into the huge pile of pillows at the head of the bed and basically had a great time. Austin saw Addy on the bed and saw an opportunity. I give him credit for quick thinking, but no jumping on the made bed for Austin. Once I stopped laughing, as she tried to get away, I grabbed Addy by the leg and began pulling her off the bed telling her it was time for a shower. To which she replied in her new loud voice "
I NO TAKE SHOWER". Oh, yes you do little one.
I told Austin to hop in the shower and I quickly stripped Addy down to throw her in as well. I told Austin that I would bathe her tonight. He asked why? I told him that I did not want to get Addy's hair wet. No way am I blow drying a three year old's wet hair. After the quick shower, Addy jumped out and I put her towel on her head. The towel has a small hood on it that I put on her head, and then I wrap tthe two ends of the towel around her. She ends up looking like a burrito. So, I call her "my little burrito". In writing, that sounds strange, in real life, it is funny. Well, on this night, after being burrito-ed, Addy took off. As I was reaching for her clothes, she ran around me in the bathroom and began streaking through the house. The hood of the towel stayed on her head, but the rest of the towel looked like a cape as she ran full speed through the house laughing. I guess running around naked with a towel on your head is big fun for a three year old. Eventually I was able to corral her and get her dressed and in bed. Jen arrived home right after I had put Addy to bed, so Jen went in to see her. Addy sat up and got a huge smile on her face as she said "mommy". All was right with the world for a few hours, at least in our house.